Save The Dates!
Picture Day
Location: Escalon Grange Hall (1840 Main Street, Escalon)
Saturday, April 26th
Review the picture day schedule to confirm your time slot! Your dancer needs to be dressed in their costume (including tights and shoes, if applicable!), hair & make up done. Dressing rooms will be available for costume changes as needed.
Ticket Sales
Recital show tickets will go on sale Monday, May 12th starting at 5am.
Location: Modesto Junior College Auditorium
Thursday, May 15th: Mandatory Non-Dress Rehearsal for selected dances.
Friday, May 16th: Mandatory Dress rehearsal for all dancers & tumblers. Schedule to follow!
Recital Day
Location: Modesto Junior College Auditorium
Saturday, May 17th - Two Different Shows! 10am and/or 3:30pm
Recital line up to be released in the April Newsletter.